Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Winter Playlist:

Whether it is bands crafting the cold atmospheric climate often associated with its music or artists that just put winter time into perspective. This is a list of essential wintertime listening I do almost every single year. They are all from varied genres of the musical spectrum that I enjoy.

Radiohead – Kid A
I can’t really even begin to express all the different emotions convey on this album. It is positively my favorite Radiohead release although any of the other albums they have come out are just as good I feel this one is more listened to by me during the winter time particularly at night while I read. I don’t feel like any other Radiohead album quite captures this season like this one does. Favorite Track: How to Disappear Completely

Joy Division- Closer
Joy Division is tough to decide on first of all because: A) I like all of their material and B) I always associate them with Ian’s suicide, so I really tend to listen to this more during the bleak months of like November all the way into February, and then I put it down until the next winter season. ‘Closer’ is Absolutely killer if you’re into Post-Punk music. Favorite Track: Isolation

Jeff Buckley – Sketches (For My Sweetheart the Drunk)
Truly sad because it never was finished due to Jeff’s suicide but again almost everything that he came out with was great I thought, including Grace. Favorite Track: The Sky is a Landfill

Joan Armatrading – Self Titled
I Just really enjoy this almost every year for small periods of time here and there during the winter months. It is from 1976, and you can definitely hear that. Reminds me a lot of Tracy Chapman who I grew up listening to with mom who I also feel should be added to this list but she is more of a summer time artist to me. Favorite Track: Down to Zero

Lustmord- Heresy, A Place Where the Black Star Hangs, or The Darkest Places of the Earth
These Albums personified Extremely Dark Ambient Music. However amazing to listen to when you’re all alone if you’re up to it. Favorite Track: Fallen

Nurse with Wound- Soliloquy for Lilith (There are Other Releases Just as Good Though)
^ (See above Description), I would also like to add that this is quite possibly the hardest album to listen to in terms to keeping mental integrity. This Album is absolutely stunning though if you make it all the way thru though I think. Favorite Track: Full Album- 2hrs and 25 min.

Ray LaMontagne- Gossip in the Grain
What is wintertime music without a little of this type of music. Really good stuff, it was a toss-up between this guy and City and Color. Really good music here I think. Favorite Track: I Still Care for You

Lou Reed – Berlin
Positively is the Hands down winner for most depressing album of all time. Yet I think it still is one of the most essential records to listen to during the winter time. Excellent behind Measure but his Transformer Album is equally sufficient for listening to during this period I think. Favorite Track: Men of Good Fortune

Tom Waits – Small change
One par in my opinion with Berlin by Lou reed. Tom waits is one of the greatest artists of all time and not become of his several different styles of music he has been part of during his musical career but from his honesty and the realness he conveys in his music that makes it special to me at least. Favorite Track: Tom Traubert’s Blues

Arab Strap – Philophobia
Titled refers to a phobia that translates to “Fear of Love/Falling in Love”. Think About that when you’re listening to this album. Another Great Album for this time of year but many sadly dismiss it as a boring record but they obviously haven’t sat and been able to absorb it for what it is meant to convey. Favorite Track: New Birds

Red House Painters – Ocean Beach
I really got into this band in 2009 and began listening to different releases they put out. This one hands down is their best to date in my opinion. There are others who come as a close second to it but this one is superb in the slowcore genre. I feel like I have heard his voice before but I don’t remember where. Favorite Track: Drop

Nick Drake – Pink Moon
This should go without question during the winter time. There are other albums just as good by him that should also be listened to. Favorite Track: Harvest Breed

My Dying Bride – The Angel and the Dark River
Gloom and Doom. I don’t know many people who know this band, and its always funny when im thinking of introducing someone to them and I know their reaction is automatically like this is terrible. People just don’t take the time to enjoy different things, check it out if your into Doom Metal. Favorite Track: The Cry of Mankind

Frank Sinatra – Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely
One of my all-time favorites. Truly exquisite Sinatra, but at his peak in my opinion. Favorite Track: One for My Baby

Wayne Shorter- Speak No Evil
Excellent Jazz Album. 100% Recommendation. Probobly listened to this album 100 times or so over the last couple of years. Favorite Track: Infant Eyes

The Cure- Disintegration or Faith
Another Group is goes without explaining. At some point during your life you have heard one of their songs whether it be covered by another band (311) or through MTV (which use to actually put music on television believe it or not). These albums aren’t for the faint of heart if you take them seriously. The lyrical content especially Faith is extremely depressing but still both make for wonderful records to listen to during the Winter Months.

Nick Cave- Murder Ballads
Almost a comedic effort when I came into this album expecting pure on ballads about death/murder. However over time I’ve come to appreciate this along with other albums from his catalogue that includes many other great albums. Great introduction if you don’t know him I would say. Favorite Track: Stagger Lee

Bohren & Der Club of Gore – Black Earth or Sunset Mission
This makes me feel like im either at the bottom of the ocean (Black Earth) and stranded in the city (Sunset Mission). Both Albums are amazing to really listen to anytime but I prefer them during the winter time particularly at night with a warm cup of coffee.

Immortal – At the Heart of Winter
Black Metal from Norway. Their Music not just on this album embodies what the winters feel like in Norway. Favorite Track: At the Heart of Winter

Godspeed! You Black Emperor – Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!
Fantastic Favorite: Storm

Neil Young- On the Beach
Hailed as one of Young’s most depressing albums. I don’t really feel that way when I listen to it. Great Songs and Great Atmosphere. Favorite Track: On the Beach

Leonard Cohen- Songs of Love and Hate
One of my favorite artists of all time. This Whole album is a great listen. Favorite Track: Dress Rehearsal Rag

Shining- III - Angst - Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie
One of the Best Depressive Black Metal Releases in my opinion. Favorite Track: Field of Faceless

Nine Inch Nails – The Downward Spiral
Almost everyone has heard this album at some point if not just one song off it. Favorite Track: Heresy

Agalloch – The Mantle or The Marrow
Sets the Atmosphere for Winter, If you know this band you already know. Favorite Track: Black Lake Nidstang

I know there are tons of others I could list that I enjoy during this time of year but these are just a couple of the top things I listen to. Hope you Enjoy them if you have never heard them before now.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Album Review: Nachtmystium 'Silencing Machine'

‘Silencing Machine’ by Nachtmystium

Psychedelic/Experimental Black Metal

Often times this style of music gets a lot of mixed feelings (often times it is dismissed as garbage). This band typically is more psychedelic however they have taken their sound and absolutely darkened it going back to an almost old school black metal mixed with elements of their style on ‘assassins’ and ‘addicts’ which are both examples of this bands prior style of which is absolutely amazing in my opinion. There are moments on this album that feel very different than practically anything I’ve heard from this band. 

There are moments this band feels like a Blackened Crust band but then it becomes changed up to black and roll. There is a large conjunction of Fast tracks that are overwhelming as black metal but then there are also slower songs as well. I am currently on the 8th listen of it now, and am truly impressed with their offering this year. There is a lot to sink your teeth into if your into this style of music, but the only flaws are some of the more ‘ballad’esche type songs on the recent seem out of place and for me at least ruin the overall stance of the record.

Overall 8/10

*These are individual songs, whereas listening to the album
as a whole I feel like it changes the atmosphere*