Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Mourning Jacket "Tennessee Fire" 1999

Artist: My Mourning Jacket
Album: Tennessee Fire
Genre: Indie/Acoustic

Myspace: My Mourning Jacket
  1. Heartbreakin Man
  2. They Ran
  3. The Bear
  4. Nashville to Kentucky
  5. Old Sept Blues
  6. If All Else Fails
  7. It's About Twilight Now
  8. Evelyn Is Not Real
  9. War Begun
  10. Picture of You
  11. I Will Be There When You Die
  12. The Dark
  13. By My Car
  14. Butch Cassidy
  15. I Think I'm Going to Hell

Overall Sound: As Much as I would like to say I have heard "My Mourning Jacket" I never have, mainly because I have never been really into any Indie/Acoustic music at any point in my life. "Tennessee Fire" is a very listenable venture which was recorded entirely inside of a grain silo in Kentucky, which makes the appeal even more mysterious I think. I have listened to it now for about two days on and off, and the songs really stick in your heard unlike some indie music that just sounds the same every song.

Guitar: Very atmospheric almost generic guitar reminds you of like the very open areas of Kentucky where the band originates from.

Bass: Although I would like to say I can hear the bass guitar its difficult even in the HQ stereo system I own, but if it is, its very minimal and not very useful.

Drums: Very simplistic, easy listening style outside of a couple of songs where they're a little faster.

Vocals/Lyrics: "I've known you for years, i know all your moves,I just cant believe that it caved in this soon. And i'm playin it over and over again in my head." these lyrics are from probably my favorite song on the album "By My Car". Lyrically they dabble in just about anything, from what i have read. The vocalist is very atmospheric much like the guitar almost like he's sitting right next to you sometimes and other times very distant calling out words from afar.

Overall Impression: I think "Tennessee Fire" by "My Mourning Jacket" is largely a wonderful album, especially since I have never heard this band before. Obviously this not being my usual realm of music it was nice to find something instead of snap neck guitar stuff just to sit around and listen to and relax. Although I wish sometimes that the production was a little bit better but it came out in 1999 and was recorded in a grain silo so what can you ask for?

Killer Tracks: Nashville to Kentucky, War Begun, By My Car

Rating:  8.0/10

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