Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top 30 Straight Edge Albums

This week I’m covering: The Best Straight Edge Hardcore / Punk Albums

Straight edge is a subculture of hardcore punk whose adherents refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. It was a direct reaction to the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess associated with punk rock. For some, this extends to not engaging in promiscuous sex, following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and not using caffeine or prescription drugs. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in their song "Straight Edge"

Top 30

Minor Threat “Full Discography”- The Grand-daddy’s of them all. Positively top notch straight edge. “I’ve Got Straight Edge” if your even remotely familiar with the genre then you know them if not, you need to get their whole discography right now(mainly because its easier than getting the demos and lps which are tougher to find)

Gorilla Biscuits ”Start Today”- Another highly influential band from the 80’s as good if not better in my opinion than Minor threat. They made a big name for themselves by playing at CBGB’s and are noted for “Start today” because it’s an absolute CLASSIC all the way around

Casey Jones “The Few, The Proud, The Cruiel” – easily one of the most fun to listen to bands I think well of course with the other being probably XLooking ForwardX. Generally noted as one of the better modern day Straight Edge Bands

Carry On “A Life Less Plagued” – Almosts always when people ask who’s your favorite Edge band? I normally would say this band back when this cd came out. Ultimately the lyrics are thought provoking and thoughtful yet pack a punch right into your face. Another fun listen as well

Slapshot “Digital Warfare” – If you’ve ever heard about Slapshot you know how awesome they are or should anyway. Just spin the song “Last Laugh” such a great song

Judge “Bringin’ it Down” – Noted as one of the originators of the “youth crew” movement in Straight Edge. Through and through this is a great album, but if you want to save money and pick up their complete discography that’s also cool

Outbreak “Failure“ – Often almost childish angst in their lyrics it would seem like fairly bland hardcore then right? Wrong! Outbreak is possibly some of the angrier stuff on the list considering you’ve ever heard them that is

XFilesX “Excruciation” – Unafraid of saying what they want to; XFilesX are another great angry band on this list. Musically speaking it’s almost like a mix between Powerviolence and 80’s style Punk in vein of Slapshot yet retains intensity of bands like Charles Bronson

SS Decontrol “The Kids Will Have Their Say” – Old School Hardcore at its best

Ten Yard Fight “Back on Track” – A band with football metaphors in their lyrics? Sounds really odd I know but if you like Straight Edge particularly from Boston, Mass. then you’ll love this band hands down! Every song on this album is an anthem

Down to Nothing “The Most“– One of my more listened to Straight Edge Bands. Down to Nothing write memorable thought provoking stuff in my opinion anyway. Worth Checking out if you’ve never got into them before now or haven’t heard them

Good Clean Fun “On the Streets Saving the Scene from The Forces of Evil “ – When this band is mentioned normally people say they were a “joke” band, but in actuality they used irony and a pen as their weapon. Another Fun listen if you’ve never heard them before

Strife “In this Defiance “ – Widely recognized again as a essential album in the Straight Edge community. Unfortunately they only released a couple of full lengths, this one being their second one. I know they are popular but a lot of people tend to know newer bands so check it out

Have Heart “The Things we Carry” – Belive it or not this band is a Straight edge band. Many people tend to believe that they aren’t Straight Edge because of the lyrical content of their albums but as proven time and time before them not just a constant message of being against drugs,drinking alcohol, and promiscuous sex in their lyrics isn’t the only reason a band is Straight Edge. I never got to see them I suppose u could say I watched from afar

Floorpunch “Fast times at the Jersey Shore “ – When I think Judge I often think Floorpunch for some reason couldn’t tell you why.  They revitalized youth crews and had an immense influence in the Straight Edge community. When looking at them as an outsider one might consider that theres nothing unique about this band and I guess you could assume that but if you look deeper into the meaning of what they are trying to convey it is clear, they aren’t your run of the mill Straight Edge band. Highly recommended

XLooking ForwardX “The Path We Tread “ – I got to see this band (luckily) and I most people would just assume it is another band playing the same music. Not really the vocal delivery and positive style they convey make for a wonderful album and show I might add. I saw them in 2004 which was just a couple of months before they broke up I believe completely worth every penny with any of their albums but this one is my favorite of them all

The Red Baron “My First Love” – I like most of their albums and they kind of sound the same on all the albums. Super positive and Christian if you’re into that, and super fun tunes

Kids like Us “Outta Control“ – I never got to see this band but I always heard their live shows were insane. This is my favorite album of the 4 Lp’s( well plus the re-issue) and let me tell you, if you listen to it enough you’ll probably explode in anger

Count me out “110” – another angry sounding band, but to me they seem more message oriented. Good tunes

Youth of Today “Break down the Walls” – Break Down the Walls! Another essential band to check out on this list, Youth of Today are up there as far as originators in the genre. Normally people are either tired of their attitude or the vocalists style either way I love them

Bane “Give blood” – Everything about this band is great. High Energy and the Vocal delivery is great. Bounching off walls in 3…….2……1……Go!

Shelter “When 20 Summers Pass “ – probably the hardest to get into on the list, its an acquired taste really. They’re a leading Krishnacore band, if u don’t know what that is go look it up haha

Trial”Are These our lives?” – Probably my favorite of all Straight Edge bands. More political than anything but I think have a super strong message they try to convey. Never got to see them either but I wish I had though. One of the best of the genre!

Champion “ Promises Kept“ – Another Heavyweight in this genre, if you don’t know them this is super recommended and besides Trial one of the best Hardcore albums period

The First Step “What we know “- Super Awesome album from 2006. TIME TO UNDERSTAND!

Chain of Strength “The One Thing that Still Holds True“– this is basically what West Coast Straight Edge sounds like. Forerunners in the Genre in my opinion

 7 Seconds “The Crew“ – Pissed off as hell but most people hate the vocals. I think its awesome!

Uniform Choice “Screaming for Change” – Another Fast and in your face Straight Edge band. This album is one of the best Youth Crew bands

Earth Crisis “Firestorm” – “Street by Street, Block by Block, Taking it All Back……..” If you know this Chorus, You know how popular this band was and still is. They just released a new album this year. All material recommended

Sheer Terror “Bulldog edition” – Compilation of this band, Really good stuff considering you like the genre by now

Chokehold “Content With Dying”- Another Classic in my opinion in this genre

XRepresentX “True at All Costs” – I’ve seen this band numerous times @Creations Skatepark in Kernersville,Nc. Every single time they delivered a stellar and unflawed set full of an absolutely angry as hell attitude Straight Edge music. I prefer this album mainly because it was the first one I bought when I saw them the first time and since then they have come out with another album which is also highly recommended

Deathblow “Thicker Than Blood” – Local Nc Straight Edge hardcore band who I’ve seen too many times to remember. They are from Winston Salem they broke up though shortly after releasing this album which is a great one

One life Crew “Crime Ridden Society” – If you don’t know this band, you should educate yourself

Let Down “We’re in this Alone” – Pissed off and Anti-Positive Straight Edge, pretty amazing

Stick together “No More Games“ – Excellent Ep by this Straight Edge Band

No Tolerence “ Boston Straight Edge“ – Another Excellent album from this Boston Straight Edge Band

Sacred Pledge “The Struggle Continues” – Militant Straight Edge at it’s best with a DIY attitude. Broke up now sadly but amazing regardless

Disengage “Look Back”- Another classic Ep from this fantastic band

Project X “Ep” or "Straight Edge Revenge" – Only Release from this band but let me tell you it’s a powder keg. This band consisted of members from Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Youth of Today, and Side by Side. If any of those bands sparked your interest then your sure to love this little gem of an Ep.

I realize you might say AHH so and so band isn't on here. i get that but these are my top 30 albums in this genre of music. Mostly albums i bought and saw the band perform besides some of the earlier bands. However though that doesnt detract from the message i used to get out of these albums. Enjoy


  1. I don't think sheer terror are straight edge, mate

  2. Groundwork, early Refused and Mean Season are more essential then most of the albums you have named!

  3. Better than 1000? No. Ah, ok.

  4. BOLD, Side by Side, Turning Point, Manliftingbanner, Upfront, Uniform Choice, NFAA, on just the 80's that are missing :P 1999 and further there are a lot more that are pretty crucial to the scene, if not the old crew that stuck with it, continuing. Berthold City for 2018 is making waves.

    1. Thought I added it, but Wide Awake was definitely a band to be reckoned with, and one hard ep to get ahold of.

  5. I was into Turning Point, Unit Pride, Brotherhood, Crippled Youth,Straight Ahead,Unity,Abused-Loud and Clear,Confront,Release, Youth of Today and 7 Seconds- Committed for life 7"
