Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Avenged Sevenfold "Nightmare" 2010

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: Nightmare
Genre: Alternative Metal

Myspace: Avenged Sevenfold
  1. Nightmare
  2. Welcome to the Family
  3. Danger Line
  4. Buried Alive
  5. Natural Born Killer
  6. So Far Away
  7. God Hates Us
  8. Victim
  9. Tonight the World Dies
  10. Fiction
  11. Save Me
Overall Sound: Avenged Sevenfold do not get much attention from me generally. I think the last time I listened to this band was when "Waking the Fallen" came out. Although I am doing this as a request to Jennifer Boggs because she thought this would be a good album to review, and recommended it to me. So here I am reviewing Avenged Sevenfold's new cd "Nightmare".

Guitar: As usual avenged sevenfold play fairly catchy guitar riffs, with the occasional metalcore chug placed throughout the entire CD. I would not say spectacular by any means of the word but there are some spots that are played perfectly to match their singer and drummer in harmony.

Bass: The bass is half there and half not there sometimes, but it matches the drums fairly well when u can hear it.

Drums: Since the Rev's passing(RIP), The EPIC drummer Mike Portnoy from dream theater plays in the studio on this album for a7x. As usual mikes performance is outstanding and helps this record in more ways than one.

Vocals/Lyrics: I know a lot of people link a7x's vocal duties to the popularity of their music. I personally do not enjoy the actual vocals on "Nightmare" and the lyrics from previous albums were written much better, but it seems the vocals are standard for a7x, so they're decent for this record as it is in my opinion.

Overall Impression: In my honest opinion, I feel like Avenged Sevenfold could have done a tremendous amount more on this album even without The Rev. However though for Avenged Sevenfold over the last couple of years they seem to produce album after album that attracts many different variety of listeners. Pretty solid CD at first glance but I would imagine if I listened to this more than once my opinion would be more critical since I listen a very different brand of music from what Avenged Sevenfold release.

Rating: 6.0/10

Friday, August 6, 2010

Decrepit Birth "Polarity" 2010

Artist: Decrepit Birth
Album: Polarity
Genre: Brutal Death Metal

Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/decrepitbirth
  1. (A Departure Of The Sun) Ignite the Tesla Coil
  2. Metatron
  3. The Resonance
  4. Polarity
  5. Solar Impluse
  6. Mirroring Dimensions
  7. A Brief Odyssey In Time
  8. The Quickening of Time
  9. Sea of Memories
  10. Symbiosis
  11. See Through Dreams(Death Cover)(Digipak Only)

Overall Sound: Crafting a sound all your own can a massive issue attempting to create something unique and original, and California's own Decrepit Birth has perfected they're ultra technical death metal once again with "Polarity". If you've heard this band, NOW IS THE TIME.

Guitar: As to be expected on "Polarity" the amazing technical prowess achieved is insane and can be commended by someone who does not even enjoy this type of music just because of the skill that is required to perform it on a consistent basis. I think the guitar work in the songs "The Resonance" and "Polarity" has the most standout quality's because it reminds of their previous album "Diminishing Between Worlds". Completely top notch guitar production makes everything melt together and become one giant battering ram of your sense's the whole album.

Bass: Once again a major problem with more modern metal is the lack of volume of the bass. This would add another layer to the music that seems absent, but at times it is easier to hear once the guitars go quiet for all of two seconds. I will say though that every time I have listened to this album all the way through each repeat turn of the disk has yielded more bass which is probably me imagining its there.

Drums: Top notch, Hands down excellent production. Listen for yourself

Vocals/Lyrics: Bill Robinson has always been a acquired taste of mine for quite some time with Decrepit Birth. Lately his vocals have changed into more recognizable passages especially the lyrics so you have more of a chance of catching what he says. Although this is the case, the brutality still remains. Lyrics of this album a pretty straight-forward, such themes as esoterism, the universe, galaxies, the cosmos are just bit's of what the lyrical meaning of songs. Bill Robinson's vocals on "Polarity" are pretty much excellent except for the fact the volume seems overwhelmed at times by the instruments, so for the all the people who have said the "Vocals suck" or "Worst singer EVER" your ignorant because every album they've had sounds like the production on polarity besides ".....And Time Begins".

Overall Impression: The absolute preciseness and equality is amazing on this album, because everything is so perfectly set in specific spots throughout every single song. Absolute Classic for the Technical/Brutal Death metal fan. I really can not wait to revisit this album in like five years and be blown away once again.

Rating:  9.5/10

Band of the Month(August-September)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gorgoroth "Incipit Sathanas" 2000

Artist: Gorgoroth
Album:Incipit Sathanas
Genre: Black Metal

Myspace: Gorgoroth
  1. Incipit Satan
  2. A World to Win
  3. Litani til Satan
  4. Unchain My Heart!!!!
  5. An Excerpt of X
  6. Ein Eim Av Blod Og Helvetesild
  7. Will to Power
  8. When Love Rages Wild in My Heart
Overall Sound: I am an avid black metal listener of sorts, not KVLT or tr00 follower by no means at all(assuming you know these terms anyway). However that does not mean I cant give my accurate description of what this album is trying to portray. Gorgoroth is a Black metal band from Norway that is hell-bend on destruction regardless of anyone in their way. "Incipit Sathanas" in English is translated to, "The Birth of Satan". You can feel every part of this album from beginning to the end.

Guitar: Usually the black metal tone is very, VERY difficult to listen to due mainly to the fact that tr00 listeners expect the guitar to be so horribly recorded to keep the tr00 essence of Black Metal. However most of the guitar duties are taken by Infernus (One of Gorgoroths founders and only remaining member from the original line up) and he executes with precise accuracy. Blazing fast in sections, and slower in minor sections as to be expected from this band from previous releases. The production however is very clean and distinguishable throughout the entire CD.

Bass: Much like Infernus, King ov Hell executes his Bass duties perfectly matching everything Infernus does, but at times it seems difficult to hear him but other times the instruments are equal in volume.

 Drums: Very fast as to be expected with most Black metal albums, but also executed to perfection. Most noteworthy is the track "Ein Eim Av Blod Og Helvetesild" which to me sound more like Dark Funeral at times due to the never ending Blast-Beats/Ride Symbol use.

Vocals/Lyrics: This is where in my opinion at times, this record shines. Gahl is a wonderful fit for this band, and at times Infernus takes vocal duties, But this is Gahl's first album as a full time vocalist. Infernus however writes most of all the lyrics for Gorgoroth and has for sometime. The Worst song on the album is "Litani til Satan" which is a spoken word poem of some sort, but it just becomes very blah after a minute of listening to it. However the most standout track to me is "Unchain my Heart!!!!!" because its so full of energy and power throughout the entire song.

Overall Impression: Both Musically and Lyrically this band obviously have a satanic following and rightfully so with previous material they've released. "Incipit Sathanas" by Gorgoroth is a punishing, rollorcoaster ride of hatred that will leave you questioning at times if your in the vast wilderness of Norway, in the moonlight all alone and questioning if you'll ever make it out alive. My problem with this band however is the lack of materials(particularly lyrics to read) which they suppress through emails and legal actions to get taken down from any and every website that attempts to publish them. Darklyrics.com being one of them, but I guess thats a minor fault and they have the right as the song writers to decide on issues such as this. But take this album and listen yourself and feel the utter hatred this band has to offer, you wont be disappointed.

Killer Tracks: Incipit Satan, Unchain My Heart!!!!, Ein Eim Av Blod Og Helvetesild

Rating: 9.0/10 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Mourning Jacket "Tennessee Fire" 1999

Artist: My Mourning Jacket
Album: Tennessee Fire
Genre: Indie/Acoustic

Myspace: My Mourning Jacket
  1. Heartbreakin Man
  2. They Ran
  3. The Bear
  4. Nashville to Kentucky
  5. Old Sept Blues
  6. If All Else Fails
  7. It's About Twilight Now
  8. Evelyn Is Not Real
  9. War Begun
  10. Picture of You
  11. I Will Be There When You Die
  12. The Dark
  13. By My Car
  14. Butch Cassidy
  15. I Think I'm Going to Hell

Overall Sound: As Much as I would like to say I have heard "My Mourning Jacket" I never have, mainly because I have never been really into any Indie/Acoustic music at any point in my life. "Tennessee Fire" is a very listenable venture which was recorded entirely inside of a grain silo in Kentucky, which makes the appeal even more mysterious I think. I have listened to it now for about two days on and off, and the songs really stick in your heard unlike some indie music that just sounds the same every song.

Guitar: Very atmospheric almost generic guitar reminds you of like the very open areas of Kentucky where the band originates from.

Bass: Although I would like to say I can hear the bass guitar its difficult even in the HQ stereo system I own, but if it is, its very minimal and not very useful.

Drums: Very simplistic, easy listening style outside of a couple of songs where they're a little faster.

Vocals/Lyrics: "I've known you for years, i know all your moves,I just cant believe that it caved in this soon. And i'm playin it over and over again in my head." these lyrics are from probably my favorite song on the album "By My Car". Lyrically they dabble in just about anything, from what i have read. The vocalist is very atmospheric much like the guitar almost like he's sitting right next to you sometimes and other times very distant calling out words from afar.

Overall Impression: I think "Tennessee Fire" by "My Mourning Jacket" is largely a wonderful album, especially since I have never heard this band before. Obviously this not being my usual realm of music it was nice to find something instead of snap neck guitar stuff just to sit around and listen to and relax. Although I wish sometimes that the production was a little bit better but it came out in 1999 and was recorded in a grain silo so what can you ask for?

Killer Tracks: Nashville to Kentucky, War Begun, By My Car

Rating:  8.0/10

Braveyoung(ex. GIANT) "BLOOM -12 inch vinyl" 2009

Artist: Braveyoung
Album: BLOOM - 12" Vinyl
Genre: Post metal/Post Rock

Myspace: Braveyoung
  1. Upon The Boughs Which Shake Against The Cold
  2. The Days That Sat In Front Of Everything

Overall Sound: Being the Braveyoung/Giant listener I am, I was extremely stoked to hear BLOOM which is sort of a challenging listen when compared to the "Tides/Giant split" or the always beautiful "SONG" which gets constant circulation on my Ipod. Last year this band had to change its name from "Giant" to "Braveyoung" because the 80's ballad band "Giant" to my knowledge complained or something w/e, but anyway supposedly Braveyoung was the same band as Giant with a new name. This came as a surprise to me considering i had never heard this Braveyoung material until just probably two days ago when i finally got my hands on a copy, and lemme tell you its not Full on Sludge-ridden post metal anymore, its more post rock influenced and their is no vocals with the occasional post metal influence tossed in for good measure. This LP was recorded at a church in Greensboro,NC .Either way this is kind of a toss up, if you take an open mind when listening its very enjoyable, but if your close minded and looking for another CD like "SONG" this is not very much up your alley.

Guitar: Easily the most focused instrument on the CD outside of the bass. Most everything you can hear correctly but to me it sounds a bit over mastered/mixed in certain spots of songs.

Bass: Very easy to hear and follow along with much like the guitar, but the bass however does not cut out and you can be sure to recognize its different sections of songs almost automatically.

Drums: This by far is the worst part of the LP, just because i feel like i am so stuck on the "SONG" full length that i cant overcome the quality. But all in all over a period of a couple of listens they are not so bad.

Vocals/Lyrics: none to be mentioned, this is somewhat distressing because its one of the main elements i enjoy about this band. Very much like ISIS or Blackwaves

Overall Impression: With a "Do It Yourself" sound "BLOOM" will grow on you and never let you go because the melody's portrayed are so engrossing you'll forget your listening only if you let it get hold of you. I miss the old sound much more though because there is a ton of good post rock bands i like, only a select few Sludge/Post metal bands .However i am hoping that a new full length by Braveyoung will come hopefully this year or next. However long it takes, is of no importance but if you want some good post metal/post rock sounds please check out and support this band. They deserve every penny they've ever made.

Killer Tracks: All

Rating: 8.5/10

Braveyoung - Sun from Stew Cantrell on Vimeo.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear Landlord "Dream Homes" 2009

Artist: Dear Landlord
Album: Dream Homes
Genre: Punk Rock

Myspace: Dear Landlord

      1. I Live in Hell
      2. Rosa
      3. High Fives
      4. Lake Ontario
      5. Landlocked
      6. Doormat
      7. Three to the Beach
      8. Park Bench
      9. Goodbye to Oakland
     10. Last Time I Checked
     11. Whiskey and Records
     12. Lost Cause
     13. Begging for Tips
     14. A World that We Never Made

Overall Sound: As your might expect this CD, "Dream Homes" by Dear Landlord is a pretty simplistic fun all around punk rock album. Everything is fairly standard yet there is something i feel is missing in this CD but i just cant put my finger on it though. Dear Landlord however have made a extremely accessible album here and it is pretty catchy and songs don't generally run more than a couple of minutes.

Guitar:  Your standard punk guitar mix and matched with different riffs here and there, but there is quite a continuum of the same riff as to be expect in any punk record. Decent though for a punk record.

Bass: I really enjoy the bass guitar on this cd for one reason: I CAN HEAR IT? which is extremely important in order sometimes to draw the listener into the unavoidable grooves.

Drums: Again fairly standard drumming as well, IMHO it sounds very similar to Sum 41's drummer. However at times it seems very monotone, nothing super spectacular but overall fairly decent.

Vocals/Lyrics:   "I live in hell, I live in the basement,I live in a garage with no windows, my life is wasted
I live in hell with the drunken Christians,they're away from their parents for the first time,they can't take it" this is from the song "I Live in Hell" which is probobly the strongest song(Both lyrically and Musically) outside of "Lake Ontario" on this record. The Vocals are more sung than harsh as i expected going into this, but thats what makes them fun to listen to i guess(but really i was hoping for like something like The Casualties "En La Linea Del Frente" which is just pure bliss).

Overall Impression: In Conclusion, i think that Dear Landlord are not breaking new ground but still contributing something fun and listenable with "Dream Homes" however i was expecting a different sound which i think possibly swayed my opinion, but overall though it was a fun listen.

Killer Tracks: I Live in Hell, Lake Ontario, A World that We Never Made

Rating: 6.0/10

(Request By Jordan @ http://shittyreviews.blogspot.com/ )

Ion Dissonance "Cursed" 2010

Artist: Ion Dissonance
Album: Cursed
Genre: Deathcore/Mathcore
  1. Cursed
  2. You People are Messed Up
  3. The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same
  4. This is the Last Time I Repeat Myself
  5. No Care Ever
  6. After Everything That's Happened, What Did You Expect?
  7. We Like to Call This One...Fuck Off
  8. Can Someone Please Explain this to Me?
  9. Disaster in Sight
  10. This is Considered Mere Formality
  11. This Feels Like the End...
  12. They'll Never Know
  13. Pallor
Overall Sound: If you’ve never heard one of Canada’s premiere Deathcore/Mathcore fusion acts “Ion Dissonance”, then “Cursed” is a very digestible CD to listen to. Overall production and quality is very tight and well-rounded in every aspect. This is band is a Deathcore/Mathcore band that has a variety of time signatures and tempo changes throughout every song, yet it somehow melts all together in this CD unlike previous CD’s like “Minus the Herd”. The Intensity and Anger this CD dishes out is so far unmatched in the Deathcore/Mathcore scene outside of possibly the new Beneath the Massacre which isn’t even out yet, but I digress.

Guitar: As Always, Amazing!!! Considering of course that your actually into Mathcore and don’t take it as “One more unrecognizable blazing fast riff-fest” then your half way to understanding the genre. All parties involved in this CD on guitar as mentioned before have skill at what they do, there is often almost Meshuggah like riffs with almost poly-rhythm patterns but they dwindle as the CD plays ¾ of the way through.

Bass: Not easily found, but is there mainly during the chug patterns within every song, but if you listen to it loud enough the guitar will drown it out, so I would say it is not there haha

Drums: This drummer in my honest opinion could do better to be in another band, because I feel like he’s having to hold back his talent with the continued breakdown….breakdown…..breakdown…. well you get the picture I assume.

Vocals/Lyrics: Normally I enjoy the low end, hardcore vocals much like the vocalist of ion dissonance. In “Cursed” however I am deeply disappointed in the performance, because for one it sounds like “The tony danza tap dance extravaganza”. Secondly the vocals and particularly the continued use of the word “Fuck” which apparently makes you a tougher band. Lyrics are terrible don’t even bother.

Overall Impression: Going into this review as a previous ion dissonance listener I was honestly expecting more from the vocal department, which IMHO has failed terribly on this record. The Strengths are apparent as soon as you press play on this CD, however though I just was not blown away as every person that I have read just about claims to be from this CD.

Killer Tracks: You People are Messed Up, The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same,
After Everything That's Happened, What Did You Expect?

Rating:  6.5/10

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Iron Thrones "The Wretched Sun" 2010

Artist: Iron Thrones
Album: "The Wretched Sun" (2010)
Genre: Progressive Metal

Myspace: Iron Thrones
  1. Like A Moth To Flame
  2. Ever Flowing
  3. Against The Grain
  4. I Once Had The Crown
  5. Forever Glowing
  6. And The Sky Came Falling Down
Overall Sound: When I first heard Iron Thrones teaser trailer of "the wretched sun" I was immediately hooked. their sound encompasses many different things I enjoy about this genre more specifically the melody's within the songs. Although I am going to consider this as progressive metal, to me its very heavily post-metalish in many songs but I just do not think I can constitute it as being a post metal CD.The musicianship here is monumental and should be noted, however my only issue with this is album is the over compensation of the instruments at times that over-power the vocalist, but its a minor lapse within the CD so I will forget that all together.

Guitar: The guitar is somewhat Opeth-escque, sometimes extremely powerful in its approach and other times emotionally distressed, production is extremely incredible

Bass: Since I try to listen to all albums through head-phones to give it justice before being like "wheres the bass? there is no bass?" but "the wretched sun" has quite a bit of bass more particularly in the song "I Once had a crown" which at times could be considered elevator music.

Drums: I read somewhere, I believe it was on metalsucks.net that their drummer played for 9 hours or something for this album to be correct? or maybe practice I do not know, but he is pretty much perfect in this CD. Everything sounds really solid, specifically the kicks and the drums tuning(the drum skins I mean) seem to fit perfectly in the style at which they play which makes the musical experience all the more perfect.

Vocals/Lyrics: The Vocals are almost entirely growled, mid-ranged almost barked at times and also a few singing parts within the songs.From what I gather myself, the lyrics are based around possibly the legend of Icarus, they also have the theme of loss to my knowledge. My problem with this the clean sung parts in songs such as "Against the Grain" yet it seems almost poetic and again like Opeth just not the same caliber.

Overall Impression: Overall I have to say I am truly impressed, since A) I have never heard this band before and B) they're unsigned???? Which is surprising since their older album "Visions of Light" was released through Tribunal Records in NC, and I have never heard them? They also won the contest "Scions No Label Needed" through Metalinsider.net contest in order to get Promotional advice and one month of free recording. I hope they find a good label and i think "the wretched sun" was a step forward in a good direction for this band.

Killer Tracks: Like a Moth to Flame, I Once Had the Crown

Rating: 7.5/10