Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 57 Albums of the Laste Decade (2001-2011)

Top 57 Albums
Another installment of weekly suggestions: This week I’m going Throwback style by suggesting some of my favorite releases of the last 10 years in no particular order at all. (2001-2011). Enjoy

DeerHunter – Weird Era Continued
-It has taken me a while to appreciate this bands music but once I did, it’s a good change of pace from my usual listening experiences.

Elliot Smith- From a Basement on a hill
-Elliot Smith will generally always have a place in my music collection since Either/Or. A song within it called “Fond Farewell” reminds me for some reason that Elliot died tragically and it’s just the overall mood of it that gets me every time.

Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
-Although not surpassing their albums, () or Takk this album it stands out though because of the different experimentation and less guitar playing as seen on other albums. Just as Beautiful of an Album as any they’ve put out before.

Godspeed You!  Black Emperor – Lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven
-Most people when they think Post-Rock normally think of Explosions in the Sky or Mogwai and of course GS! YBE but, believe it or not most people don’t know them which is sad considering how great some of their albums are. I enjoy this one the most but their other albums including F#A#∞ is still the equal of this one I think.

Modern life is War – Witness
-This record will continue to Slay and has since 2005.

Mastodon – Remission
-A lot of people might disagree with this but I don’t really care. Mastodon will always be one of my favorite bands. Here recently they released Crack the Skye among other amazing releases but they are more progressive sounding. Remission is the original Mastodon style and let me tell you, it is perfect. This is quintessentially one of the most metal albums of the 2000’s.

Agalloch- The Mantle
-The Post-Metal Masterpiece, if you’ve never heard this go buy it now.

Celtic Frost – Monotheist
-Older Celtic Frost was more thrash based on Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion; this Album is taking everything I love about metal and making it better. It’s almost like Celtic Frost decided that have longer draw out riffs was a good idea. I had to literally listen to this album 4 times to make sure it was Celtic Frost. I love it so much though over basically the rest of their material.

Watain- Sworn to the Dark
-Pretty much sums up what a great black metal band should sound like and their live show is absolutely insane! If you’ve never heard them before and are into any form of Black metal I recommend you check them out. Also their newest Full length, Lawless Darkness is equally as good as this album.

Opeth – Blackwater Park
-It’s difficult to list only one album of one of my favorite albums and of course most the of the Opeth Fanboys would be like, wow what a generic pick but really I think all of their albums are up to par with perfection. However if I did a list where I included 1999, it would be Still life over Blackwater Park everytime.

Wormed – Planisphaerium
- Brutal death metal that could be dismissed due to the vocals and slightly under-polished production. Any fan though should already know this band and realize the importance of this album. Concept album about the future/space and I think the reason I enjoy this album as much as I do is because of the tight grooves and the theme portrayed on the whole album.

Meshuggah – Nothing
-Now before people say, why not Obzen? Or Chaosphere? First of all Chaosphere came out in 1998(although still amazing as it was) and Obzen is the latest album by Meshuggah which is good but nowhere near the stunningly crushing assault that is Nothing. The moment I put this on I was transfixed and not so much by the drums or vocalist but Fredrik the guitarists riffs. Generally considered the godfathers of Djent because Fredrik coined that term supposedly but still it is difficult to dismiss this as a waste in metal as many have done. Highly recommended.

Tool- Lateralus
-Anybody who’s ever heard Schism knows why this is great. I mean we are talking about TOOL? Seriously amazing

Isis- Panoption/Oceanic
-Ever heard of Isis? When you ask most metalheads they’ll say one of two things. ISIS! or nope I don’t like them because I think they’re boring and I cannot finish one of their albums. Go ahead and educate yourself on some Post-Metal that in my honest opinion gives Neurosis a run for their money. However sadly Isis is not longer together but they are still re-releasing previous Live records that were out of print so go check them out as well.

Norah Jones – Come Away with Me
-By now I would hope people wouldn’t assume that all I listen to is metal but I get that label quite a bit, but I suppose it is not bad. Norah jones is great chill music to me personally maybe not you but I think this album is great just for that. Those winter days where you just sit and wonder and have not a care in the world, those are the days you play this album for yourself, trust me. This to me is almost as good as Joni Mitchell’s “Blue”

Dido – No Angel
-Sadly enough brought to my attention from an Eminem song “Stan”. Funny huh? Anyway Didos No Angel is a great album and much in the vein of Norah Jones as far as the time when to listen to it. This album is great for contemplation and relaxation.

Cult of Luna – Salvation
-Much as the description for Isis but Cult of Luna is different still retaining a Post-Metal sound by having long and drawn out guitar riffs. Although I’ve heard they aren’t the greatest band live though but this album is a milestone in Post-Metal. Makes mowing your lawn mega-epic!

Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago
-Have to give credit to my sister for showing this to me. As most people would expect it is an Acoustic/Folkish album. Liking this album has nothing to do with be a hipster or whatever people call stuff they dislike anymore. I enjoy it because it’s a change of pace and just generally relaxing. Many consider Bon Iver to be depressing but I can only count maybe two songs I find that way the others are more uplifting I suppose you could say.

Deftones – White pony
-Deftones will always be one of the best bands to come out in the 90’s. Those who dispute that and say they suck obviously have never enjoyed them before and taken the time to get to know the band thru their different albums and Chinos lyrical anguish. Around the Fur is still one of my favorite albums of all time.

System of a Down – Toxicity
-having bought their Self-titled album in 98’ I was only 9. When they released the single “Chop Suey” I thought it was a large expansive addition to their sound. And over the years they have just become larger than I suppose they expected which isn’t a bad thing. Yet another band who’s fans are outcast as “Posers” and “Fakes” so what? They generally retain the same sound while being more experimental and less aggressive at times. The point is that those who enjoy this album know what im talking about. I don’t enjoy this band because it’s something I found out about when B.Y.O.B came out, ive been with them since the beginning.

Dj Shadow – Endtroducing
-Endtroduced by my brother to me, definitely a Trip-Hop Classic

mewithoutYOU – Brother, Sister
-If you love really good indie rock, this is a must. The vocalist is a bit of a problem when you first listen to it which is why many people I suppose dismiss this but I regress. mewithoutYOU just have this overwhelming wall of emotion that they throw at you hoping you can digest it and rearrange it in your own way which I have many times myself with this album and ultimately it’s a great one I think anyway.

Gutteral Secrete – Reek of Pubescent Dispoilment
-Another delightfully awesome metal album, although at times crude and at other times absolutely punishing Gutteral Secrete still in my opinion cannot be beaten in their respected genre but I still get this odd feeling when the instrumental song comes on, really weird…….

Devourment – Butcher the Weak
-the most obvious opponent of Guttural Secrete at least just speaking Genres and by that I mean not Sub-Genres just in general. They play a little less technical but make up for it with the towering slams they deliver.

Cryptopsy – None So Vile
-Classic.Hands Down.Case Closed (but if you haven’t heard them) this is where to start. Probably one of the best metal vocalist Ever. Lord Worm

Deathspell Omega – Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum/Paracletus
-I realize there are two albums listed but they both deserve credit just like their whole catalogue does. Deathspell Omega try every album to transcend to something new and I often discredit they cant do it but they have. Although I recommend Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum(translated as: Divine law - Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire!) because it’s my favorite of the two and older than 2010’s, Paracletus.

Drudkh – Blood in our Wells
-Cascadian Black Metal, recommended for those with a open mind and multiple listens.

Exodus – Tempo of the Damned
-oh you like Metallica? Megadeth? Slayer? But somehow Exodus gets left out every single time often foreshadowed by these three bands and I guess that band called anthrax.

Havok – Time is up!
-Hands down hardest hitting album of 2011 in my opinion so far. Amazing everything on this album and 20x better than Burn their previous release.

Warbringer- War without End
-Prepare for Combat Shock! Yet another band whose release I loved to death in the Thrash metal genre.

Fleshgod Apocalypse – Oracles
-Classical Symphony mixed with Blackened Death Metal? Sounds weird and from what I know this bands live performance is immense and incalculable.

Behemoth – The Apostasy
- you really just need to listen to this or Demigod and possibly their latest album as well.

Napalm Death – Time Waits for No Slave
-Grindcore Legends, I just happened to come across this album I believe when it leaked but waited. However curiosity got the best of me and I listened to it on youtube. Amazing album though but not as great as SCUM or some of their older ones I like to.

Wolves in the Throne Room – 2004-Present Discography (includes 1 Live Album / 3 EPs / 4 LPs)
-hopefully getting to see this band super-soon in Greensboro. Cascadian Black Metal and from what I hear the absolute loudest band live EVER.

Insidious Decrepancy - Extirpating Omniscient Certitude
-One man band, have all three of the LPs all recommended.

Decrepit Birth - …And Time Begins
-Bill Robertson is amazing man, the vocalist is homeless? In a major label signed band. This dude grows marijuana and is homeless? Has a epic beard? Need I say more? Technical Death Metal at its finest.

Portishead – Third
-Trip-Hop’s Best Group besides maybe Massive Attack

Municipal Waste –The Art of Partying
-Wanna jam out and chill with the bros? slam this in the cd player or w/e and just absolutely go nuts.

Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
-I know people give these dudes a lot of flack me included but I can’t overlook this album in this list. This is a great symphonic black metal album. I kind of feel like I should have listed Old man’s child instead though but either way.

Sunn O)))- The Black One/Monoliths and Dimensions
-Drrrrooooooooone, Slowest thing you ever heard? Possibly

Om- 2005-Present Discography (Includes 4 LP’s)
-I cannot recommend this enough; OM’s music basically is summed up as a transcending experience whenever u listen to it. I feel like I float away listening particularly to their album, God is Good.

Electric Wizard – Dopethrone
-Lowest tuned Bass guitar? Epic production! Epic Artwork! Best suited for a sound system that can handle the bass in the mix though.

Boris – Akuma no Uta
-Boris is as Boris always was: Experimental

Ufomammut – Eve
-pretty awesome, yet another amazing band on Roadburn.

Earth – Hibernaculum
-Almost polar opposites of Sunn O))).Sunn O))) however play a darker more grotesque sounding drone and Earth play(well now anyway) a more western style I still like Earth 2 their cd the best but as far as painting a landscape differently earth is quite capable of doing that and it seems almost surreal sometimes listening to this band.

Stars of the Lid – The Tired Sounds of Stars of lid
-minimalistic music for a minimalist person. The style is drone mixed with lots and lots of ambiance. Be prepared to lay back and float away. This is probably one of the more “appealing” releases they have come out with while The Ballasted Orchestra is less warm feeling I think.

Weedeater – 2001-Present Discography (4 LPs and Numerous Compilation appearances)
-another amazing stoner metal band probably my favorite if the truth was known. Dixie Dave’s vocal deliver turns a lot of people off but trust me just crack you open a cold one and sit back and try not to feel the groove in this music. Best album I think is ...And Justice for Ya'll but I am sure others would disagree either way every album is recommended by this band.

The Mire- Vol. I & II
-Post-Metal with a little bit of clean singing which is kind of different I suppose considering the genre is bursting with bands that have harsh vocals. When I first heard this album I thought that they were trying to rip off a number of progressive metal bands (Mastodon included) however once I actually gave my full attention to the group the mire on Vol. II I was just fascinated. Great for fans of: Crawl Back in, Seven Nautical Miles, Tephra.

Irreversible – Sins
- Great Post-Metal

Converge – You Fail Me
-“You Fail Me” is my favorite converge album and it is not because everyone else likes Jane Doe. Truthfully though this album is great and has similar elements but I think it has a different aura about it than all the others.

Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
-Raw sounding black metal, so awesome highly recommended. Their overall sound and everything is different every single album just about about.

Enslaved – Vertebrae
-Epic! Pretty progressive post-black metal if you’ve ever heard this band you know what to expect sort of

Jucifer –Throned in Blood
-When your jucifer it is not enough to have one full stack or two full stacks when playing live. How’s about a 64 speaker set-up? Haha no this isn’t a joke go look up their live show videos.

Nails- Unsilent Death
-caught me off guard when this came out, some of the most pissed off and angry grindcore I’ve ever heard of course the angriest would have to be Insect Warfare but their live show is face-melting highly recommended.

Gaza – 2004-Present Discography (2 LPs and 1 EPs)
-Another badass grindcore band, pretty much one of the best shows I went to last November they played and it was awesome. Their vocalist looked so pissed like the whole time even after the set bought a shirt, so amazing.

Portal – Swarth
-Weird? Uneasiness? Pretty much combine those feelings with typical blackened death metal and there you go pretty unappreciated both as a band and as an album.

Favorite Album of the whole Decade

Giant Squid - The Ichthyologist
-Pretty much the greatest album in a long while. The only album I truthfully can give a perfect score. From everything on this album including all instruments used (which include an Electric Cello), vocalist/singing, to production and mixing everything is just where it should be and isn’t overdone EVER. Giant squid are a experimental/jazzy/post-rock/post-metal band and they are truly unique I think much like others before them but they manage to bring way more atmosphere in their music than just using a typical formula most bands use in those genres of music. Hand’s down a must check out even if your not really into metal because pretty much 90% of the album you can understand and shouldn’t be scared of listening to.

 ps: While i know that this list is not everything that was great about the last 10 years of music

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